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Kyle Pairings: The Style vs. Kyman Dispute

For those of you who may not know what the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks I'm talking about and are curious or stumbled on this page accidentally, then allow me to fill you in. Style is the fanon name for the romantic pairing of Kyle and Stan. Kyman, respectively, means Kyle and Cartman.

Now, before you get your panties, laderhosen, trousers, etc. in a knot, let me explain. Why "romantic?" South Park, with all of its hilarity, crude humour and cursing alike, barely has enough room for pairings. Especially between the main characters, right? Well, that's where the word "fanon" comes in. It may not be happening, or it may never happen no matter how much it might be hinted at, but that's part of the fun for some fans. Including me.

Now, onward to the subject at hand. Everywhere I go, I seem to see equal amounts of love for both ships. And I have to admit, I fell in love with Style the moment I saw the connection. My initial thought was, "Damn, that would be sewwww kewt ^.^" And my apologies go out to the Kyman fans because I never used to like that idea. Not one bit. 

But my mind has opened since then, and I can tell you that the idea of an obese, angry, anti-semitic kid having a crush on a neurotic, yet cute, ginger Jew has kind of grown on me. Though my beliefs may only be one-sided as I do think that it would probably take forever for Kyle to reciprocate these feelings, Kyman has certainly grown on me. Kind of like a wart, but a nice wart all the same

And let's be honest Style fans, StanxKyle is one of the more boring ships, despite it being my first love. They are often too similar, and lack the right amount of differences to warrant an interesting relationship. The dynamic with Cartman and Kyle is definitely there, and their spats lead to arguably, some of the more hilarious moments on the show. Stan and Kyle is certainly adorable, because of them being "Super Best Friends," and Kyle literally following Stan wherever he goes, but there is definitely hope for Kyman. Maybe their "thing" can be "Super Best Frenemies" or something. 

In fact, that love triangle might be one of my favourite fanon-related topics to write about. The whole "Cartman-likes-Kyle-but-Kyle-likes-Stan" idea just cracks me up. 

As for K2, or KylexKenny, there's isn't too much popularity for this one, sadly. I don't like seeing ships left in the dust unless it's absolutely necessary. Here, I think it just might be that too many people know about Kenny's love of breasts, and Kyle simply does not have those. Nonetheless, I think it would be kind of cute, albeit, unexpected as all hell. But sometimes, that's how the best pairings are made, so you never know.

But enough about me, what pairings do you guys like? Which one is your OTP and why? Tell me about it, or answer the poll on the left!

Which South Park Pairing do you like the most?